SATO, Toru
Department of Communications and Computer Engineering
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Tel: +81-75-753-3362
Fax: +81-75-753-3342
Office: Engineering Bld. 2, Room 223
Academic Degree: Doctor of Engineering (Kyoto Univ.)
Areas of Interest:
- Radar Signal Processing
- Atmospheric and Subsurface Radar Systems
- Space Debris Monitoring
Academic Society:
Representative Publications:
T. Sato, T. Nakamura, and K. Nishimura,
Orbit determination of meteors using the MU radar,
IEICE Trans. Commun. , Vol.E83-B, No.9, 2000.
T. Sato, T. Wakayama, and K. Takemura,
An imaging algorithm of objects embedded in a lossy dispersive medium for
subsurface radar data processing,
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. , Vol.38, No.1, pp.296-303, 2000.
T. Sato,
Shape estimation of space debris using single-range Doppler interferometry,
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. , Vol.37, No.2, pp.1000-1005, 1999.
T. Sato, K. Takeda, T. Nagamatsu, T. Wakayama, I. Kimura, and T. Shinbo,
Automatic signal processing of front monitor radar for tunnelling machines,
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. , Vol.35, No.2, pp.354-359, 1997.
T. Sato, T. Teraoka, and I. Kimura,
Validation and ground truth for TRMM precipitation radar using the MU radar,
IEICE Trans. Commun. , Vol.E79-B, No.6, pp.744-750, 1996.
(entire list)
Further Information:
Last Updated: July 2001